Wednesday 17 November 2021

What Fashion and Reality Tv Have in Common



Fashion and Reality TV are two different genres of media that are being pushed hard by both the media companies and the general public. As long as the media continues to push it, the general public will continue to push it because they’re willing to pay for it.

In reality TV we have the likes of MTV, VH1, and Nickelodeon. In fashion, we have the likes of Gucci, Chanel, and Fenty. Fashion and Reality TV have in common that they both rely on the consumer to pay for it.

In reality TV, we have a cast of characters we have to watch, a set of standards we have to conform to, and a storyline we have to follow. In fashion, we have a cast of celebrities and their stylists, a set of standards we have to follow, and a storyline we have to follow. A television show or a fashion show or a reality show is a commercial. It’s an attempt to sell something to the public.

While it may seem counter-intuitive to us, it makes sense that fashion and reality TV work together like that.

You have a cast of characters who are paid to look beautiful (or, at least, look as pretty and stylish as possible) and a storyline that is also a set of standards that we have to conform to.

Of course, television shows and fashion shows are all about being able to look as beautiful and stylish as possible. But they also are in-depth dramas, with lots of action, and are based on stories we have to follow. The same is true of reality shows like The Bachelor or Extreme Makeover. There's a storyline and characters and a set of rules we have to follow like money is a good thing and the only way to get it is by cheating or stealing.

Some reality shows are more realistic than others, but all fall somewhere on the spectrum between being a soap opera and a horror show. For an example, consider the Bachelor franchise. At its core, the show is about a man who falls in love with an attractive woman. It might be a soap opera, but the way the show is structured, the way the guy falls in love, and the way the woman falls in love all fall into the realm of more of an actual soap opera.

That's actually a very good point.


The Bachelor is the kind of show that does have a point of view and a sense of reality, but because it comes from a soap opera, it can often be very unrealistic. It's very much a fantasy, and in that way, it is very much like most reality tv shows. There are exceptions, though.

True reality shows are not just fantasy. They are also real. The difference is that in those reality shows, you can actually have a relationship with a man in this show. You can actually see a relationship. You can fall in love. You can find a man. You can fall in love with a man. When it comes to reality tv, there just aren’t any relationships with men. Reality tv is all about the “big” moments. It's about the love stuff.